There are times in life where you are confronted with the idea that you have to grow to become more than what you are today.
When I become a Father, I have to be ready to become a Philosopher of life. The little boy or girl that I would raise would look to me for answers to all of their questions, and I have to be ready to give that answer.

If something is happening in the world which is intolerable, I have to be ready to become a warrior, fearless and ruthless, focused only at the goal in hand.
If I have to stand in front of my peers and speak my message then I have to become an Orator, ready to expound upon what I know to be the right way!
Able to sway the minds and hearts of men and women to see through my point of view.

With all of the things i have to be, i realize that who i am is the person who chooses to be these things. i CHOOSE to be a Father, i CHOOSE to fight for what i believe in, and i CHOOSE to take my battle to the minds of others. Who i choose to be is someone i will be happy about, and that is a freedom no government or other person can take from me.
Not everyone is so lucky. The men at Bohemian Grove CHOSE to become the person they had to be to get what they wanted. But they are not happy with who they are, most of them are empty, lifeless. What they desired above all life are things for themselves: wealth, power, fame, etc. They have to conveine together yearly and kill an idea which they call "Care" in order to live with themselves.
I can fail in everything i pursue in life and still be happy because i chose something greater than ME. The men at Bohemian Grove and elsewhere will probably be successful in life, but die afraid and heartbroken because they missed Life in their pursuit of Material.

When we go to bed at night, what is our last thought before we wake up? What do we placate ourselves with in order to feel 'fulfilled' and 'content'? Do we need others? Do we need our Jobs? Our Kids? Our on'line games or talk radio? We become those things which we take to ourselves to feel complete as a person, Our choice is whether we chose something which forces us to be Greater Principled Beings, or something that allows us self-gratification, apathy, and ignorant bliss.