Monday, October 06, 2008

The Call to Hope

Right now, there is a call being issued to every person who declares human life to be valuable. This call is not being made by me, inversehalo, or any human being. This call is being sent to us on behalf of the dead. Those who have suffered and died are watching those of us alive and they are anxious to see us answer.

Search your Faith, search your Heart, question the Truths which you hold dear and seek the answer we are being tested to know. Those who are being called see life as something to be appreciated. To feel the wind on our skins, to know the ground underneath us, to taste cool water on our parched throats, or to be warmed by a fire on a cold night are all experiences we share only because we are given the chance to be alive. It's time to act on that appreciation. It's time to share our oppurtunity. It's time to understand that the experience of LIFE, no matter how hard it seems, is an experience worth having.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Whatcha Do That For?!"

Part 1: The Story

I ran across a Christian Missionary group the other day. They had just gotten back from the Phillipines and were happy about their great success. Their primary functions as young missionaries, they told me, was to go to the schools in certain areas and "Preach the Gospel" to young Catholics..........? I pointed out that it seemed a little redundant to be flying to another country to convert Christians into...well...Christians. They were seriously confused by my comment.

I couldn't let the issue drop, and so I began to talk to the people who organized and ran the missionary trip. I asked them, "Why?"
They told me, "We teach a more personal relationship with Christ instead of with a large organization....." refering to the Catholic church.
This is something that their church believes so passionately that they will fund a half dozen teenagers and four adults to fly to the Phillipines every year.

My ability to converse with these people was then abruptly cut short, because they brought up the idea of football. When I told them I didn't watch very much, they didn't want anything else to do with me. These people loved football. That's just about all they talked about. Their missionary church uniforms were even sports colors (I thought they were a baseball team when I first saw them). Their mission group was sponsored by the father of a popular college football star (a Heismann Trophy winner) and they just couldn't wait to see the Jaguars play again this year.

Part 2: The Point?

This mission trip presented an oppurtunity to the children and adults involved. While the adults who organized the trip may have been completely mis-lead about what they thought was Truth, the oppurtunity was still there, and it is the same oppurtunity which is provided for all of us when we are given the option to act or do anything.
Know, however, that our actions in the present are reflections of the choice we made while standing at the crossroads of this oppurtunity. Our actions will reveal the Truth behind our motivations, even if we would hide behind false intentions.
These people were in a place in their minds where they thought they had made the right choice and stood with Truth and with their God, but in reality,
people died while the missionaries wasted their time in front of Christians discussing the perks of Christianity, in a healthy Christian way, using "Christian language" no doubt. Those teenagers will never know how many sick, orphaned, poor, imprisoned, or hungry people they could have helped.

Part 3: What Opputunity? Stop talking around the issue!

The Oppurtunity involves asking yourself why you do something. In the case of these missionaries, they had to realize whether or not they were acting for the Love of themselves, or because they Loved the people they were going to meet.
Deciding Love happens on multiple levels of thought, both conscous and sub-conscous. The men who organized the mission trip knew they loved football and that they Loved Jesus Christ, but they didn't realize that their Love for the Game had polluted everything they did. The "Mission Field" became a playing field, the "Ball" became Jesus Christ, and "Points" were scored whenever someone converted from one denomination of Christianity to another. Their entire program was engaged in a high cost, no-stakes, waste of time game of "God-Ball" and they had no idea. They still thought they were following the commands of their Scripture.

Being a part of Inversehalo, the first thing you have to learn is what it feels like to Care, and to be honest about how you feel. A person cannot serve Truth without honesty, and acting a lie in the name of a Truth will only lead to someone else's suffering and death. The Responsibility of Inversehalo Reformers is to seek out Love for others, and find the Love for themselves there and not on the alters of immediate gratification.Your intentions will always be known.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Student of Symbolism

I am a student of symbolism, not a master. Whilst I cannot teach about symbolism I can give an account of an experience with reading a symbol.
The Library in our city is a useful and valuable place. Our library uses this for it's Logo:

This is immediately recognized as a sun rising out of a horizen; and the horizen is defined by an open book. The image incites me to feel warm and welcome. It reminds me of a beach scene and the beginning of a new day. Without thinking about it, these are my unconscience, instinctual, generalized reactions to this symbol. It is important to note these feelings, I've learned, because symbols will speak to us on a level that is unconscience and through this hidden language we can discover the Universal Truths which a symbol presents.

A Deeper Interpretation

First: The Sun and Light

Light represents Knowledge, Illumination, Enlightenment,Unconvering what is Hidden, and so forth. This makes sense, it's a library.

The Sun is the largest, brightest thing in the sky. It's authority is so complete that we cannot look directly at it without going blind, and the Sun gives life to everything in the world. Therefore, the Sun represents Ultimate Authority and Kingship. The symbol of the Jacksonville library states that it is a place of authority of knowledge. The fact the Sun is coming out of a book tells us where it's authority comes from, and also implies that Books are Authorities on Enlightenment. This is not a bad sales pitch for a library, all based on just the symbol.

An Even Deeper Interpretation:

Symbology is very, very old. when Religion was known as Reality, mankind was given symbols. Through time, Fraternities, Religions, Philosophies and Organizations have taken symbols to themselves for identification and has thus added human experience to the what a symbol speaks. By studying who has used symbols throughout time we can understand more about how certain symbols are used today and understand the hidden structures of our world.

We'll start again with the Rising Sun:

The Rising Sun has symbolized authority, life, and understanding for a long time. It is the center of many religions like the Mayans, The Golden Dawn, the Mason's, the Baha'i, and even the Christian Church.

Is the Jacksonville Library associated with such persons? In order to be able to tell we will have to continue looking deeper into this symbol.

I looked for Numerical References:

I noticed when I first saw this symbol that there were eight rays coming out of the sun. 8 is a number that implies direction, like a compass, and the earth.

(*The number 4 also represents the world, and 8 is 4 and 4 together. So 8 kind of implies one world over lapping another world but is still the same world together. To me it's like the Spiritual World and the Physical World together. This is one reason why 8 implies direction)

When the meaning of the number 8 is applied to what we already have, then the symbol states: "This is a place of Authority for Enlightenment and Knowledge Globally." Expect the Global part to refer to 'about the world, in the world, of the world, world related', etcetera.

Who Dunnit?

All of these meanings are known and taught by the people in our city who constructed the library buildings. They worked together before the libraries were built to make sure that the edifices would keep the integrity to the ideas the symbols represent. This is very common among the Masonic Unions.

*Note: None of this is a crime, the Mason's uphold themselves as master builders, craftsmen, and artists who have the ability to stylize and build lasting structures which uphold universally Good ideals and values. If I were such a devotee to building, I would do the same thing.*

In Jacksonville there are a multitude of open Masonic Temples, including a very large temple of the Scottish Right Downtown. It is not hard to believe that our city government contracted the Mason's to build the libraries of our city. To really get to the heart of our symbol investigation we need only go to the Main Library in Downtown Jacksonville.

Outside the library, on the corner, is a large statue of the Owl of Athena. There's a little plaque on ground level that explains that the owl represents divine Wisdom. The key next to the Owl has an Omega symbol at the top. That symbol, being the last letter of the Greek Alphabet, means an ultimate end and also implies an authority. This is where Christian Symbolism will seperate a little because Christ is the Alpha and Omega and the source of all Truth.

The Owl replaces the Sun Rising, the Key replaces the Light. See how this works?

Inside of the Main Library there are 8 distinct sections seperated into 4 floors. There are internet connected terminals on multiple levels allowing global access, there is an open area outside to experience the sun (*In Ancient Sun temples the top was left open so that the Sun could shine through) and in the northwest corner of the library there is a sun dial with a globe over it in place of the sun.

Notice that by simply reading the symbol on one branch of the library I was able to know to expect a consistent revity of ideas to be echoes throughout all the libraries and typified at the main branch. The symbols were represented well throughout the buildings and we are allowed to let them speak to us and learn the original truths for which they represent.

The crimes of symbolism concerns taking away the meaning of symbols by not allowing us to know that symbols can speak. A symbol can open a person's mind to the entire universe, and when the understanding of how to read symbols is taken away we lose track of the things which are True and Real. In this manner mankind is enslaved.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

7 Truths about the Abortion Conflict

1. Most Women do not WANT to have and abortion, but feel that they have to.
Abortion is a hard decision to make for most women. The Abortionists know this, as do the ardent feminists and pro-choice activists. Pro-Life is often branded as insensitive and even cruel because of the images we show or the extreme conviction we throw against the Abortionists. It is our responsibility to respond to what women need to know that they can safely have their children, and not to allow ourselves to be subject to false accusations presented by our children's adversaries.

2. There are people who will allow any reason to have an abortion to be acceptible.
This truth refers to a type of people that I cannot fathom. These are the extremists who acknowledge all the truths of human life but still feel that there are no reason's to not have an abortion. These people form the foundation of abortion's continuance, and it only takes one.

3. This fight is not a Legal Battle or matter of Political Opinion.
Yes we can vote against abortion, but McCain is not the mother who has to make the choice to have an abortion, we cannot be distracted from the root.

4. A person should Love their Child more than their own life, but this cannot be forced.
This is the only answer to the question of whether or not abortion is okay in the situation of the mother's life being in question. We, as people who are not in that situation, cannot make that kind of decision for those women, and if we allow this arguement to rule over the abortion issue, then we will lose.

5. Violence and Death is not a solution to Violence and Death.
An Abortion Doctor cannot do his/her job with a broken hand, but for us to do or threaten that would be wrong, and would not help any woman choose not to have an abortion. To invite violence in this fight would turn the Pro-Life side into hypocrites in the eyes of the women caught in the middle.

6. The Right to Life is greater than any Religious Institutions Self Promotion.
It is intolerable that a woman, or anyone, who needs help is denied because she wouldn't go to the church involved or some other similar situation.

7. A baby exists when a unique 46 chromosome cell forms and begins to replicate.
I am tired of the arguement about when Life Begins. So I state this as the truth. No two humans are exactly alike, and those differences are defined within our genetic code. So I say, when all of these characteristics that make us unique and individual are defined by our very first cell, then we as a person exist, and no else in the rest of time will ever be exactly like us!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Empiricism: the philosophy of experience

"Empiricism: The view that sense experience is the only basis for true knowledge."
"Posteriori: Knowledge derived from experience."
"Philosophy 100 essential thinkers," Philip Stokes, enchanted lions books, 2003
Empiricism is a branch of philosophy based on questioning everything that you have taken to be true and holding it up to the test of your experienced reality. It discusses the difference between "Faith" and "Evidence."

How can a person know what is 'True' or what is 'Right'?
Everything that you have been told or read about is separate knowledge than what you experience directly. You have to take a certain amount of faith in the source of that knowledge in order to rationalize and accept it. When you experience something directly, through your senses, then you do not have to apply any faith, you simply accept your experience as Reality.
If what you have learned by faith has proven true by experience, then your faith in that source of information will grow. If your experience teaches you something which contradicts what you have learned previously, then you tend to lose faith in whatever that was that taught you before.
The simple beak down is that experiencing something is knowing that it is real, everything else requires faith.

most dangerous things in our reality are things which give us an experience that we can accept in our minds as truth, but which serve negative agendas.

It is our function as human beings to be discriminatory towards all the objects in our lives. We have to first learn things, then experience them to know if they are true, then live in the results of that experience and build a better future for ourselves and our youth. This is the progressive cycle.

The Challenge:

What do you know by experience? What do you hope for? What do you want?
We have many 'dreams' and 'hopes', it's our natural human state to do so, but how many of those does reality back up? Does your country really have your best interest in mind? Do you have the real Freedom to live your dreams regardless of your race, color, or creed? Are you cool and strong because of your shoes? or your political zeal? Can you be a superhero? You'll never know without experiencing first hand.

Find a principle which you have learned to be true since you were a child and commit to experiencing it, because through action and experience we will all come to define what is really Truth.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Becoming who you HAVE to be

There are times in life where you are confronted with the idea that you have to grow to become more than what you are today.

When I become a Father, I have to be ready to become a Philosopher of life. The little boy or girl that I would raise would look to me for answers to all of their questions, and I have to be ready to give that answer.

If something is happening in the world which is intolerable, I have to be ready to become a warrior, fearless and ruthless, focused only at the goal in hand.

If I have to stand in front of my peers and speak my message then I have to become an Orator, ready to expound upon what I know to be the right way! Able to sway the minds and hearts of men and women to see through my point of view.

With all of the things i have to be, i realize that who i am is the person who chooses to be these things. i CHOOSE to be a Father, i CHOOSE to fight for what i believe in, and i CHOOSE to take my battle to the minds of others. Who i choose to be is someone i will be happy about, and that is a freedom no government or other person can take from me.

Not everyone is so lucky. The men at Bohemian Grove CHOSE to become the person they had to be to get what they wanted. But they are not happy with who they are, most of them are empty, lifeless. What they desired above all life are things for themselves: wealth, power, fame, etc. They have to conveine together yearly and kill an idea which they call "Care" in order to live with themselves.

I can fail in everything i pursue in life and still be happy because i chose something greater than ME. The men at Bohemian Grove and elsewhere will probably be successful in life, but die afraid and heartbroken because they missed Life in their pursuit of Material.

When we go to bed at night, what is our last thought before we wake up? What do we placate ourselves with in order to feel 'fulfilled' and 'content'? Do we need others? Do we need our Jobs? Our Kids? Our on'line games or talk radio? We become those things which we take to ourselves to feel complete as a person, Our choice is whether we chose something which forces us to be Greater Principled Beings, or something that allows us self-gratification, apathy, and ignorant bliss.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Anti Abortion is the Love of Children

For a long time I was motivated by impassionate discipline to acknowledge that abortion is wrong. It was a simple act of obedience to God, but nothing more. For many people I assume

that is the same case. This discipline proved itself incomplete, not because I couldn't learn how to debate abortion, but because I wasn't motivated to do anything about it.
Over the next few years I never questioned my opposition to abortion, i simply accepted it. it wasn't until i got to know a child for the first time that i understood the drive behind why abortion has to end.

Every time I see a child in context with abortion I shiver. I can't stand abortion because I know a child and Love that child, and in loving one I have learned to love them all. The question I can't figure out is how so many people who see and know and love their own children can still commit to abortion so passionately. It makes me question, has the world forgotten how to Love, or am i mistaken in thinking of what Love is? It Makes me want to ask, what do you Care about so much more than the Child?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In America, Money equals Freedom

America claims to be the land of the free , but this is only an idea and not a truth. We are told from our school days that "...all men are created equal..." but this is not true. We are told that caste systems are ideas of the past or of lesser countries, but this is also a lie. The truth is that America is a Capitalist Nation, and we are enslaved and happy about it!
Our goals in life center around our ability to make money. We go to college to make more money, hopefully doing something we don't absolutely hate. We play the lottery obsessively to obtain more money. If we think about it, in our immediate lives, our value to our country is our ability to stimulate the economy. If we are homeless or refuse to work a job, we are labeled a 'problem' or 'bum.' Capitalism has no room for idealists, money cannot be hindered by morality.

America is full of non-profit organizations and charities, so how can it be said that money has no room for ethics? It's easy, for every person, you and me, what do we do with our lives? Do we work everyday for something which is important to us, which our hearts tells us is right, or do we work for a company that pays our bills and allows us to survive? Ask the average person on the street about what they Care about, how many of them will tell you something other than what they do for a living.
A "FREE" society should not be mandated slavery with legal forms which allow you to apply for freedom, as long as you get approval from a bank. Freedom is the ability to buy your home and earn it, the ability to grow your own food, live in your own land, work for something and reap the consequences of that work. Freedom is the ability to live at your own discretion and upho
ld the things you believe are right, and then learn in truth what IS right by your mistakes.

We live in houses owned by our banks, we cannot build structures because of building codes. After the banks, we pay taxes, which tells us that our property belongs to our country first, then ourselves. In feudal society, this is acceptable, in a republic or a democracy, this is not.
Money is necessary to supply all of our most basic needs, therefore money is the god of our Capitalist nation. We are required forty hours a week of worship in the temples of our God so that we may be blessed with shelter, clothing and food. At the end of the day we are spiritually empty, because this god is not alive, but luckily money gave us our big screen and cable to keep ourselves occupied while we wait to go to work tomorrow.

It is no wonder to me why the Bohemians have to go away for a club vacation, money requires us to be heartless and inhuman. It has no mercy for how we feel and requires us to be the same way. Bohemian Grove seems like a place for the wealthy to go to remember what it feels like to be human.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Abortion and it's end

INVERSEHALO, is planning a major event aimed at improving the awareness of abortion as well as finalizing an outcome with abortion in the city of Jacksonville, fl. More details are to follow...
Volunteers are welcome, and encouraged. Please, send an email to any of the following address':
www.invh www.erich_weisz

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Bohemians

Every one of us in the world has hope and a dream. We all wish to be free from the devices which enslave us and create a Utopia all our own. For the great number of us who are not Spritually Enlightened enough to do so in our hearts, we seek to create it with our finances.

At least this is the case of the Bohemian Grove. Imagine, if you would, somewhere around 20,000 of the richest and most influential men gathering together in a secluded spot in the woods, under the encompassing shadow of a 3 story Owl, to shed the cares and worries of their difficultl and powerful life.

The Grove has a gathering at least once a year. It is Elitism and Secrecy to the extreme. There is a brothel across the river there; high-stakes gambling; a wondering horde of musicians, actors, and entertainers all there for the appeasment and pleasure of the wealthy who come. It is the epitome of a society where in order to make something of yourself in the big decisions of the country, you have to go to college, join a fraternity, and make contacts which are suppose to last a life time.

For the most of the people there the Grove is Sublime. It is a place of Fantasy and Debauchery free from the eyes of morality and law. The sad part is that they don't know that they are cows being led by their genitals to the slaughter, and we, the people of the world, are tied to their belts.

At the Grove there are strict rules and philosophies. Somehow, in the Grove, the rich and elite who think they have complete control are being manipulated and force fed occultism, archaic philosophy, and masked agendas which they bring back and enforce upon us, who exists at a lower classe.

This brings our discussion to the Cremation of Care...

A play which stinks of the perversion of Ancient Magic and Mystery.

This play is the center of all the other plays, because it establishes the philosophy of killing the physical manifestation of "Care"

"Care" is that thing in the world that makes life hard. How easy would it be to feel comfortable and enriched if you had not a care in the world? It seems to mean more if you place Care on a funeral pyre and burn him alive. This is the ceremony which Alex Jones caught on camera, which our good president George Bush was caught going to; which every president for the last 120 years has been going to.

The point of this spot in INVERSEHALO is the reverse of the Cremation of Care. If a person cared about nothing, then we would be useless. What point does life have if your only goal is to get drunk, fornicate, and gamble. When you fill your life with distraction, then your life is empty, if you fill your life with Care, then you have something to work for when you wake up in the morning.

The ethics of finance and business require good people to do unthinkable things, like mass lay-offs for example. The people who are prepped, from college, to go into those positions are taught not to care about the little people, the ones beneath them, because to care to bad for business. The elite are trained to disregard actual human compassion and to follow the morals of wallstreet. This is why so many suffer in the world, not because we don't have the ability or the resources, but because the people with access are taught that Care looks better in the Fire.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The beginning of why

In effigy to the object which undermines my daily routine, I am forced to expound upon the why.
I do nothing that I do not feel to be right and true, this should serve as a listing to how it came to be that way.