Monday, October 06, 2008

The Call to Hope

Right now, there is a call being issued to every person who declares human life to be valuable. This call is not being made by me, inversehalo, or any human being. This call is being sent to us on behalf of the dead. Those who have suffered and died are watching those of us alive and they are anxious to see us answer.

Search your Faith, search your Heart, question the Truths which you hold dear and seek the answer we are being tested to know. Those who are being called see life as something to be appreciated. To feel the wind on our skins, to know the ground underneath us, to taste cool water on our parched throats, or to be warmed by a fire on a cold night are all experiences we share only because we are given the chance to be alive. It's time to act on that appreciation. It's time to share our oppurtunity. It's time to understand that the experience of LIFE, no matter how hard it seems, is an experience worth having.